Wednesday, 23 February 2011

PostHeaderIcon 23rd

So I've turned 23.

Was looking forward to being 23 on the 23rd when I was younger cause it has sort of been my favourite number.

But if you asked me weeks or days ago, I wasn't really looking forward to it. I'm not at my best point in life but there's a season for everything. It's just a phase of life I'm going through. To be honest, I don't like the idea that I've not been doing anything for many months now. It can be sad and rejections does affect my morale. There would be times when I just didn't feel like doing anything, for days. Not saying I am badly affected by it, but I do have my up and down days too.

Nevertheless, I had a great day, cooked and had dinner with my family:)
My bffffff sent me flowers through the post! Was surprised and didn't react as I should at the door. haha..

Day 3

And when you've not heard from a friend in some time, their voice just puts a smile on my face :D

Thank you Lord for giving me life, for family and friends.
In the midst of having more faith and leaning on your strength and not my own, I thank you for your unfailing love and grace!
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

PostHeaderIcon Britain's last surviving teddy bear factory!

BBC 21 Feb 2011

Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bears are classic British bears!
Paddington Bear was my favourite kiddy show when I was younger:)) I thought he was quite cute with his raincoat and marmalade jar.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

PostHeaderIcon 禱告 I Pray

Another meaningful song <3

PostHeaderIcon 新年快乐!

Dear everyone,


I'm really happy and thankful that I'm spending this Chinese New Year with my family. It's been 4 years that my family had 团圆饭 together. And I made shui jiao for dinner too:)

I hope God opens a door for me here so it'll be same next year too:D

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

PostHeaderIcon 有一位神

He is our God who created the universe and knew every one of us before we were formed in our mother's womb.

He is gracious, merciful and loving.

He is just amazing!
About Me
I believe God has plans for everyone of us and everything happens for a purpose=) I think being positive makes a big difference in life!
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